
Pastor & Elders

Pastor Chris Bogstad
Senior Pastor

He was not born into a Christian home, but his dad likes to say that the terrors of parenting baby Christopher drove them to their knees and on toward Christ. Thanks to the involvement of both his parents and their church in the Bay Area, he came to understand his sin, who God is, and to have faith in Him at an early age. When he began college, Chris envisioned himself ministering in the local church as a layperson, while working in the sciences. Then during his Junior Year, as he was considering his career and direction in life, he attended a preaching conference. As Chris sat under the preaching of those men, he realized what he was truly passionate about: digging into the Word and bringing it to people’s lives. His goal as a pastor is to shepherd the flock of God in a way that honors the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:2-3). It is the Word of God which changes people (Hebrews 3:12-13, John 17:17); therefore the only way he can truly shepherd God’s people is to first understand God’s Holy Word.

Chris received his B.S. in Biotechnology from the University of California, Davis, in 2008 and his M.Div. from The Master’s Seminary in 2011. He has served in Little Rock, AR and Irvine, CA in the years before coming to GBCCR.

Chris was married to Liz in 2011 after they met in a Bible study at Church. They enjoy serving together in the church, reading, exploring book stores, playing games, as well as spending time with each other and their two daughters and son.


Keith Brown

I was raised Catholic and I thought that I knew God, but I felt that something was missing. After searching for God for several years, God brought to faith in the truth of His Son in 1979. Since that time God has given me a hunger for His Word, to quote Paul Little, I wanted “to know what I believe and why I believe it.” I want to know what the Bible means by what it says. I love apologetics.  Since that time, I have been privileged that God has used me in the body of Christ as a teacher and an elder.  My wife Sharon and I have been married 44 years and have 3 children and 12 grandchildren.  I am self-employed as a licensed architect and a professional artist. I get excited to see God’s people come to a greater understanding of His Word and therefore a greater understanding of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Chris A. Corondoni

I was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church. In 1970, when I was 29 years old, a couple of months after my wife and I were married, we were invited to a home Bible study. For the first time I heard people talking about the Bible as if they really understood it. I heard people talking about Jesus Christ as if He were real and alive. Shortly thereafter, based on what the Bible says about God and His Son Jesus Christ, and what it says about me, I trusted in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I have a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree, a Juris Doctor of Law Degree and a Master of Divinity degree. I am currently serving as the Executive Vice President of Shelter Entertainment Studios.  My wife Gail and I have been married for 55 years. We have three children and two grandsons. One of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6.

Don Jones

While I grew up in a local church back in Southeast Missouri, I left the church at about age 16 and for the next six years did not give God much thought. But my great grandmother did, as she continued to pray for my return to the faith. In Ashland, N.C. in the early spring of 1961, because of a letter from grandma and a track that she included in the letter, I accepted the reality of what really happened on that cross of Jesus. The turnaround was slow but steady and continued throughout the remaining years of my life. I met my wife in 1962, and we have had as she recently said “A good married life for over 61 years”, resulting in three great kids and three grandkids. I am a retired professional Civil Engineer, retiring at the end of 2007. In January of 1970 God called us to the North Sacramento Baptist Church where for the next 17 years I served in various positions such as Youth Sunday School Teacher, Adult Sunday School Teacher, home Bible study leader, and Chairman of the Church Council. After 17 years the family transferred membership to Arcade Baptist Church where I served in similar positions for the next 14 years until our move to the foothills of Northern California at the end of 2000. Since then, Grace Bible Church of Cedar Ridge has been our home church. I currently serve as an Elder-Teacher. I have a deep abiding love of the Word of God, the hymns of worship, theological study, and using the Bible to equip the church. Colossians 3:16 commands what I strive to achieve in my Christian life. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

David Sprunck

I was born in Glendale, California, and am a life-long resident of California.  I moved from Southern California to Weimar in Northern California in 1974 at the age of 16 and lived next door to Cheri Webb who three years later became my wife.  Cheri and I still live in Weimar and have been married 48 years.  We have two sons Jacob and Andrew and one granddaughter Riviera.  I came to faith in 1991 at the age of 33 as the fear of the Lord fell upon me as I read the Bible.  My life soon changed dramatically.  In my work life I was an Electrical Contractor, General Contractor, and Managed Wireless Communications Construction.  Cheri and I have been active members of The Gideons International since 2003. I am currently the local Camp President and have served in multiple other positions in the camp.  I have fellowshipped at Grace Bible Church since 2000 and served as Treasurer, Missions Committee Chairman, Deacon, Bible teacher, Worship Team participant, and recently as an Elder.  My current passions are to become a better evangelist and better Bible teacher to help build up the body of Christ.